Sunday, April 6, 2008

Day 5 The dads view

well the day wa going much better. Mom and Dad had decided if the kids wanted a somthing from the gift shop we going to SERIOUSLY consider a somthing from the gift shop. After Brittney busted Cohen up, it was just Dad and , Carson and Cameron stuck in Disney world. This could have been a bit terrifiying to most mortal dads, but I am off course the dad who tells every cartoon character we meet "my daddies a tennis pro" So I shook it off, bought thema buzz light year toy and we were set. We got to skip in front of about 150 people waiting to see Micky and Minnie. Because Brittney go half our family sent to the hospital we became what Disney calls a "Very Special family!" we did good though we let Cameron Drive the race cars (he drives like his mother" we rode the space orbitor and saved earth from disaster, and we rode the tran that circles the Disney park (great break for dad) and then we waited and and argued with disney's finest for about 3 hours to get mom back to the park. Oveall it was a pretty fun day despite Cohen and face looking like a pucnhing bag!

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