Monday, March 31, 2008

10:30p.m. - I should be in bed!!!

Well, we are putting the final touches on the packing and deciding what we will be taking, what will stay, who will be where, and how we will get to the airport. We looked into doing the whole Super Shuttle thing, but that was going to mean lugging all of our carseats through the airport, to Florida, and thank you! So, we are going to be driving and staying in one of those off-site airport parking places. This means we need to get there a bit earlier than we even planned so we can make sure we are where we need to be, when we need to be there. I have clothes laid out for the boys and myself, so I'm prepared and ready to just get up and go in the morning! Oooh, I do need to go pack my makeup...I am going to try to put my face on at least a few times this week!!! We've decided that we are going to take one stroller and the buggy board and if that isn't enough we will just rent a stroller when we get there...this way we aren't both lugging around a stroller and nobody sitting in either! So far there are six bags and a stroller between the five of us, I think that is pretty good considering one is our camera bag and one is my backpack. I don't know if Eric is going to try to pack his backpack along with his bag, I wouldn't doubt it, he likes to take STUFF with him when he travels! ;o)

Oh, tonight when we went to pick Chris & Preston up from the airport we stood by a couple that just got back from Disney World today...they had been there six days with a four year old and two year old - I got a glimpse of what I will look like next week!!! LOL Well, I'm going to get off here. I will email those that may need our information with what you may need, otherwise I'll post again when we get to Disney! Feel free to save the link to the blog and check it daily, I will probably not send out reminders! ;o)

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Bumpy road

Well, we are 9 days out and Eric and I just got over a HORRIBLE case of the flu! So, we are both super weak and the house is a disaster...needless to say, the 2 week checklist is REALLY behind!!! I was PLANNING on beginning to pack last week and, well, that just didn't happen! So far none of the boys are showing symptoms of the flu, but we are going to lay low and just hang out for the next 9 days in hopes of keeping the bug at bay. In the meantime, we will (pending any illness) go out at some point this week to celebrate my THIRTIETH birthday and Eric's thirty-third...WOW, we're getting old!! :o) The boys will also get that chance to celebrate Easter with their Grammy & Poppa Russ, since we were unable to do that today. :o(

But, one good thing is that none of the boys were sick on Easter, I was really worried that Cohen would be sick on his first Easter...I'll have to try to post some pics later!

Thursday, March 6, 2008

Nothing related to Disney...just thought I'd share the cuteness!

Cohen has had an upset tummy for about a week, which led to a really bad diaper rash...this is a sad thing, but it did lead to some really cute pictures of him taking a soothing Domboro bath!!

This was the same evening...Carson had to get in on the photo action -

And last but not, the three monsters decided to wreak havoc on my very organized toy closet!! They were completely unaware of being caught:

And last, but not least...Cohen, making up for the mess with his cuteness!!!

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

I'm just giddy!!

Today Time Warner came out and fixed our cable...for some reason our "On Demand" was no longer working. Anyhow, it is up and running and guess what? We have DISNEY TRAVEL CHANNEL!!!! It has like three or four programs on Disney Travel! Isn't that crazy???

On another note, I got the buggy board all set up and ready to go for the stroller!!!, so we are ready to roll around Disney World!!!

Monday, March 3, 2008

We will be babywearing in Mickey style!!!

I bought this Ergo specificially to take to Disney with us...I also bought the coordinating backpack. It started out as a black and khaki Ergo and black backpack with bug print pockets. So, I decided to dye the carrier red, ordered some black and red Mickey Mouse fabric and had Mickey embroidered onto the carrier and backpack and used the fabric to line the pockets too! So, here we are!!!

Here is the coordinating backpack:

And just because he is so darn cute, here is a picture of Cohen!!!

One more thing, our tickets for the Pirate and Princess party came in today!! They are little credit card looking things, the boys were SOOOOO excited. One of the cards is The Incredibles! Oh, we also got another package today from Disney, it looks JUST LIKE the first one, which has me concerned...I hope we don't have TWO trips booked!!! I'll be making a call tomorrow to get it sorted out! ;o)

Saturday, March 1, 2008

Wanna check on our plans?

I finished our daily itenerary late last night! We have touring plans every day we are at the park!!! If you are interested in our itenerary, you can register here - and then email me to let me know you would like a copy. When you email me you have to send your user name as well so I can send them to you through the touringplans website!