Thursday, August 7, 2008

Tomorrow - Big garage sale day!

Well, we have everything in order and slightly sorted to do our big garage sale! I'm REALLY hoping to make a few $$ off of it, I actually spent another $75 today on the house and another $150 to keep Cameron in his enrichment program. That is so depressing!!! I wonder when I actually get paid from work, maybe that can cover a bit of my last spending spree!!! :o( I'll update tomorrow on how the garage sale goes. We are going Friday AND Saturday!! Wish me luck!!!

Monday, August 4, 2008

Cameron started Kindergarten

I guess if I'm going to write about my get out of debt challenge I can also write about Cameron and school!!! Today we started Kindergarten! It was very exciting and fun. Cameron is enrolled at Texas Tech, which he likes to tell everybody he knows (and in turn that makes people look at him funny since he is only 5 years old! LOL). Anyhow, Tech has a distance program so Cameron does all of his work here at the house and we send it in for grading. He worked on Phonics, social studies, and science today. We will be doing Math-U-See as soon as his curriculum comes in...which should be today. Maybe I can talk daddy into schooling him while I'm at work today!!! We examined a peanut today and used our 5 senses to talk about the peanut (in the shell). It was great because I started talking to him about the 5 senses and he said, "Yes, I'm going to use my sense of smell, since of looking (sight), since of smell, since of hearing and since of, ummm, feel (touch). So, I really didn't have to teach him a darn thing today...he is so smart!!!

Off the wagon

Well, crap!!! I started a new job this past Friday, so I get a 50% far I've spent about $120 on the card. :o( Luckily, I've stocked up on most things I need (and I actually did need them, so it wasn't that I just bought and bought...although I did buy two lipsticks and two glosses, which wasn't necessary). But, it was a bummer in the spending area. I also re-enrolled the boys in swim class, so that was $1k+ down the drain. Luckily, when we move they can continue to swim and I think that will be good for them to have something in Austin that is the same as what they are doing here. I still can't decide whether to continue with Cameron's FasTracKids...I would love to, but that is another $150 that we really don't have. I also had to charge about $150 to the Home Depot card, so that definitely backtracks us a bit...but we still paid more than we spent, which is a good thing...and we got things we needed in order to get more $$ out of selling our house. The bad thing is that we need new carpet, so that is going to be another $1k. Once I start getting paid I get to apply all of that to debt, so that will be a good thing as long as I don't continue to spend everything I make!!! Gotta get back on track.