Tuesday, July 29, 2008

A payment made!

Okay, today I sold a few things around the house...these are things that we totally don't use, hadn't used in ages (talking at least a year, most more), and don't need. So, I sent $135 to our smallest credit card! That balance is at $1,151.29 after I sent payment today and yesterday (for some other stuff I sold!). Right now our snowball is at $225, so after the first of the month I will have a balance on this card of under $1,000!!! This makes me so happy. I get a little defeated when I look at how long it will take to pay it off monthly with our snowball (because that is still around six months, which seems like forever and this is our smallest card), but having it at less than $1,000 makes it seem like there is a light at the end of the tunnel. I have actually paid of two cards this year already, they totaled about $1,600, so maybe with some real work I can get this one paid off quicker as well!!! Once I get this card paid off there will be four cards remaining (not to mention Eric's business card that we have used for not so business purposes). Those are really big cards, but if I keep the right attitude of purge not buy maybe, just maybe, I can have this stuff knocked out sooner rather than later! Oh, I am having a garage sale in a week or two, we'll see how much we can get out of that as well!!! :o)

Monday, July 28, 2008

Thinking of changing the feel of the blog

Okay, I haven't posted since returning home from Disney...a lot has changed!!! Anyhow, we really splurged on our trip, we splurge a lot and it has really hurt us financially. I feel like if I get it all out there I may be able to use this blog to give me strength to change our ways. Eric has been offered a job in Austin, it will be very difficult for us to get there because of all the debt we carry. I feel like I'm really starting out well in getting things paid but then I realize that although I paid a lot on one card I charged twice as much on another. I've got to finally take a stand and really just get rid of the cards once and for all, not charge a single penny to a card, period. I have started living on a cash system but then things come up and I feel like I need to spend. Part of it is boredom and part is frustration, but most of it is just total irresponsibility. So, I am going to change the tune of this little blog from being a travel log for our family to a get out of debt log. Maybe if I keep up the blog and post daily or even weekly I can keep myself motivated not to spend. I've gotta get it together, though. I realized today we spend $600+ per month just on credit card payments...with that kind of money we could afford to send all three boys to the swim lessons they want to be in, or karate or whatever they want to do. Eric could be home more often instead of busting his butt at work day in and day out, holding down two jobs. So, from this day forward, we are going to work on debt and paying it off! Recently I sold two things netting $200, I sent that to our smallest card. It should be just under $1k after this coming months payment. We are having a garage sale soon so I will keep you all posted with the earnings! Oh, and I got a job, so whatever I will be making every two weeks will go directly to debt payment...not "Brittney spending" like my old job was. ;o)